Slow news week this week — unless you’re in the market for some Canon gear for cinematic shooting, in which case your options are about to get much, much wider. Links, as always, go to sources’ websites.
Rumor has it (courtesy of 4/3 Rumors) that the DMW-LVF2 viewfinder for the upcoming Panasonic GX camera will not be backwards-compatible with the current lineup of GF cameras. The same site also has extensive specs and the speculated pricing on the GX.
Canon pulled out all the stops on its November 3 announcement, unveiling two cinematic SLRs, plus lenses, and a concept camera while they were at it. There’s been a lot of speculation as to Canon’s failure to enter the compact mirrorless market of late, but the introduction of these cameras tends to indicate that they weren’t blowing smoke when they said they had bigger fish to fry. With Kodak’s demise seeming all but imminent, it seems wise for Canon to go all in on cinematic imaging. (Canon Rumors)
Mind the “gap”: Ricoh says that in 2012, they’ll be debuting a product meant to fill a gap in the imaging market. All well and good, only they’re not being very specific as to the nature of that gap (Mirrorless Rumors)
Nikon Rumors has a recap of Nikon’s offerings at the PDN.
Photo Rumors reports that in addition to Canon’s announcement on 11/3, RED re-announced the Scarlet, and even Lomo (makers of overpriced hipster accessory plastic cameras) got in on the movie action.