10,000/365 Day Two: Self-Portrait Checkpoint

Let me preface this by saying that I intensely dislike having my photo taken. And taking my own photo seems even worse in some way, because… well, it just seems odd taking your own picture. Or maybe I’ve just been on Facebook for too long, and have seen too many silly shots of people with serious duckface, or too many half-assed shots in mirrors. So I’m not sure how I’m going to convince myself to take my own photo for the next twelve months (I’m stubborn even when I’m talking to myself). But I’ll worry about the next one next month.

A Little Inspiration:

Some time ago, I did a short tutorial on shooting self-portraits, and you can see that here. If you’d like to see a photographer who’s raised the self-portrait to an art form, Cindy Sherman would probably be the sine qua non.

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